The Wall Street Journal — "Fascinating."
Politics in Central Europe — “A sweeping historical tale with well-chosen insights . . .
astute and comprehensive.”
History of War — "A captivating tale, brilliantly told."
Kirkus Reviews — "Extraordinary."
Library Journal — "A valuable story."
Publisher's Weekly — "Captivating narrative history."
Strategic Visions — "The story is the stuff of legends . . . should stand as the standard
English work on the subject for many years."

The Story Comes Highly Recommended

“The pages of history recall scarcely any parallel episode at once so romantic in character and so extensive in scale.”
Winston S. Churchill

“The story of the adventures and triumphs of this small army is, indeed, one of the greatest epics of history.”
David Lloyd-George

“ . . . the extraordinary nature of whose great and heroic feat is literally unparalleled, so far as I know, in ancient or modern warfare.”
Theodore Roosevelt